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Welcome to Topos Technologies

Creator of LabSpeed™

Advanced Data Solutions for the Analytical and R&D Lab


LabSpeed™ Results Analysis software provides a common platform for charting, reporting, exporting, monitoring, validating, sharing and analyzing results generated from all types of instruments used in a laboratory -- from hand-held devices to multi-element analysis spectrometers and bio-tech instruments.

Simple to Install.   Gain instant access to your instrument data with little or no setup.  LabSpeed handles data formats and connections automatically.

Easy to Use.  Intuitive drag & drop interface makes it easy to quickly build the solutions a laboratory needs to use on a daily basis to become more productive.

Flexible Architecture.  LabSpeed works simultaneously with data from all types of analytical instruments regardless of type or complexity.  Run LabSpeed at the instrument for data review, exporting and printing, or in the office for research, data analysis and advanced publishing.

Powerful Features.  LabSpeed includes advanced capabilities and features normally found only in separate software packages such as Crystal Reports®, SigmaPlot® and InfinityQS®.
  • Custom Reports
  • Custom Charts
  • Statistical Process Control with SPC Charts

In addition, LabSpeed provides important laboratory requirements such as

  • Connection to LIMS and Advanced Data Transfer Options
  • Calculations using instrument data with LabSpeed's powerful FormulaBuilder™
  • Limit Checking and Results Validation
  • Process Monitoring with Auto-Export and Auto-Print
  • Drilldown Research Grids and Custom Data Tables

Topos Technologies, Inc. 801 International Parkway, Suite 500, Lake Mary, FL 32746
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